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About Arthur Goshin

Dr. Arthur R. Goshin first began writing poetry as he turned sixty. Educated as a physician and in public health, he’s had a successful fifty year career in health care.

The first phase of his professional life involved the development of comprehensive health centers in communities of poverty. The next phase involved the founding, development, and leading of a very well recognized, large, not-for-profit health plan serving over a half million members. He currently serves as a board chair, board member, or advisor for a range of organizations, foundations and private entities.

As a Clinical Professor, Dr. Goshin is approaching his fiftieth year as a global health focused faculty member at the University at Buffalo. As he retired from ’employed work’ (as he puts it), and began writing poetry, he also became the founder/funder/president/CEO of his own foundation engaged in numerous health projects in India and Africa.

He splits his living time between Santa Fe and New York City with his wife Renee. They have two sons/daughters-in-law, and three grandchildren.

Dr. Arthur R. Goshin